I am finally getting down to building my own web site.
As creative as I can be, I've never thought myself savvy enough to tackle designing and building a web site. Instead, I chose to pay other people to do it for me. One would think that leaving this kind of work to the people who know how to do it, would be the best course of action. In some cases I am sure this is true. In my case, however, not so much. Time and time again, I have hired others to do what I thought I could not and always wondered why someone out there didn't take it upon themselves to design and market a program that would make it easy for the average Joe to create their own web site. Why hadn`t someone created something that was as easy to use as a "drag and drop, what you see is what you get" system?
As it turns out, someone did! Squarespace is that web site building site and I am currently reconstructing and building my very own web site. Please feel free to look around and if you have any questions or suggestions, please do contact me. My goal is to do this as much on my own as possible, so I am not left hanging out in the cold when whomsoever had helped me in the past has decided to move on.
Please help me, help myself. :-)